Hydrogenous sediments are sediments directly precipitated from water. Examples include rocks called evaporites formed by the evaporation of salt bearing water (seawater or briny freshwater).Click to see full answer. Likewise, what is Hydrogenous sediment made up of?Hydrogenous sediments are made up of dissolved material in the ocean water. Examples include sediments made from manganese, iron an other metals.One may also ask, what is Cosmogenous sediment? Cosmogenous sediment is sediment originating from objects from space. The ‘cosmo’ part of the word refers to space, while the suffix, ‘genous,’ means Correspondingly, where is Hydrogenous sediment found? Hydrogenous sediments are sediments solidified out of ocean water. As such, chemical reactions create these kinds of sediments. The precipitation of dissolved chemicals from seawater. These kinds of sediments are found commonly near hydrothermal vents.What is not a hydrogenous sediment?manganese nodules. calcium carbonates. evaporites. calcareous ooze.